Midnight Musings Special Edition: NOW! by Merikay McLeod

In a very special very extended edition of Midnight Musings I take a look at the Adventist Pamphlet really a novella written by Merikay McLeod when she was 17 years old called NOW!

This document tells of the Time of Trouble from a distinctly Adventist perspective and I felt since I was loaned a copy that I would read it and comment on it’s accurateness (if there were any) and their inaccuracies (since there are plenty.

I have uploaded the first of FOUR videos and the rest will be up tomorrow (hopefully) I will add the appropriate links as the videos are uploaded.

These videos were basically an expansion on the following TEN PAGE document (I’m sure there are spelling errors in the document but I’ve weeded out the vast majority): NowNotes

I hope you find the following video(s) and document helpful in discerning Bible truth.

God Bless and as always trust all of your Study to God the Holy Spirit and Him Alone.

Undercover Adventist