FAF Weekend 2012: Worldview Alignment Needed: First Thoughts

A number of weeks ago I sat back thinking about how I would do coverage of FAF Weekend 2012 (FAF 2012). I felt really bad about so lousily following through on all my grand plans after my first FAF Weekend last year, I was determined not to drop the ball this year. Grand ideas flooded my overly creative noggin and I worried that I’d have pathetic coverage all over again- such is not the case this year.

I have a lot on my mind after this weekend. Both theologically and personally. I have new questions and old answers and new answers to old questions- there’s a lot bouncing around in my mind that hasn’t quite become grounded. There a lot of truth, about Truth (Jesus who is God) that I’m going to be contending with. That I’m going to be struggling with.

I’m going to be “working out my salvation with fear and trembling-” something we’re called to do, for a long time. And working out your salvation doesn’t mean that you’re worried about being saved or not…it means your studying into the depths of the Gospel and it’s ramifications to you on a personal level. It’s a call to never leave the awesome news, the challenging depths of the Gospel, but to feed on that truth and the Power of the Cross, and the washing of the Blood that was shed by Jesus Christ- the God Man- the Messiah. His blood shed for us- to quote our main speaker Phil Bubar

“Christ became an ABOMINATION for us.”

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